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4 ways how an attorney can help you when seeking SSD benefits

On Behalf of | Nov 19, 2021 | Social Security Disability

When attempting to secure Social Security disability (SSD) benefits, understand that having a knowledgeable and empathetic legal advocate proves advantageous. You will have many questions, including whether your ailment qualifies you for the much-needed benefits and how to cope with and overcome rejection by the government.

In most cases, this represents uncharted territory for disabled workers who want to continue to work and provide for their families, but, due to their ailment are unable to do so. An attorney who understands the workings of the Social Security Administration (SSA) will guide you.

Filing paperwork and an appeal

Here are a few of the ways in which an attorney can help you understand and do his or her best to help you get SSD benefits:

  • Determine whether you have a qualifying ailment: Not all physical or mental ailments qualify applicants for these benefits. However, the list includes many, including cancer, heart ailments, arthritis, blindness, multiple sclerosis, asthma, depression and autism.
  • Guide you in filling out and organizing documents: This is crucial since the government can be so particular. Steps include reviewing, completing and submitting paperwork as well as supporting medical records.
  • Inform you as to how much money to expect: In 2019, disabled workers received an average of $1,258 per month. The average amount received by men was higher than women, $1,384 compared with $1,128.
  • Provide insight and guidance in an appeals process: Two-thirds of all first-time benefits applicants have claims denied. An appeal is necessary, and the hearings take place before an administrative law judge. Ultimately, though, only about 32% of applicants receive an award.

An attorney answers every question and addresses every concern. You do not have to be alone.

Gaining an advantage

The benefits of having an experienced attorney on your side are numerous. You and your family need those SSD benefits. An attorney will work to the best of his or her ability to see that you receive them.